Thursday, July 1, 2021

Mother Nature’s Fashion Show: A Sonnet in Iambic Pentameter


Mother Nature’s Fashion Show: a Georgia State Park Sonnet in Iambic Pentameter 

a Georgia State Park is the place to go 

when everything around you falls apart 

as Mother Nature throws a fashion show 

just pack your things and head out to a park 

when everything around you causes stress 

breathe deeply and choose self-care: go unwind 

Miss Scenic View is zipping up her dress 

she beckons you to leave the world behind 

park runways boast resplendent beauty queens 

who dance and sway to summer’s

breezy tunes 

tall oaks and pines in gowns of forest green 

will readjust your pulse to normal soon 

when everything around you is fresh air 

breathe deeply - feel the healing magic there!

1 comment:

  1. Kim, look at you writing a book of poetry about parks and recreation! Lovely! You wrote a sonnet.

    I love the "tall oaks and pines in gowns of forest green" on the runway at the beauty pageant. What a great image!
