Friday, March 12, 2021

The Pledge


The Pledge 

A fellow towel shopper reached toward the back of a shelf. She was a large woman, naked from her t-shirt to her sandals. 

I did what others might do in this situation - silently gasped, forced a poker face, and pretended to scrutinize the craftsmanship of the towel loops while recovering from shock. I did the sneak-a-look, look away, sneak-a-look thing people do when they don’t mean to stare but feel compelled to assess the carnage of a train wreck. No one wants to be a fake alarmist. 

Nearby shoppers were sneaking looks, too. I was contemplating whether I should alert security when I noticed a slight hem just above her ankles, revealing that we were dealing not with full-fledged nudity but with seamless khaki leggings. Semi-relief trickled over me. 

Here’s a strong life lesson, I realized.

My mother’s voice kicked in: Form-fitting khaki garments are not your friends.

Holding up my three Girl Scout pledge fingers on my right hand, I silently vowed On my honor, I will do everything in my power never to appear naked in public. That day, I purged all solid khaki clothing items from my wardrobe. 

New towels would have to wait. 


  1. We all need friends who are willing to tell us the hard truth about our wardrobe choices. Sometimes that friend is ourselves. Thanks for the giggle.

  2. Egads, I wondered where this was going-! Nearly covered my eyes even during the reading. I saw some photos once as proof of why one should never wear beige/tan/khaki leggings... lesson instantly learned! Love your wit, your storytelling prowess, and how you incorporated the Girl Scout pledge. All in all, the fun helped me overcome the horror. :)

  3. You masterfully structure this slice to keep the reader reading, wondering what this was really about! I like how you reveals the details and added humor.

  4. Kim, you had what I call a Sharon Stone moment. Is there a five second rule for glancing like for dropping good on the floor? I’d be mortified, but I’m also inspired. You’ve sparked a memory I need to write a slice about.

  5. I have seen pics of this online. Would be much more interesting in person!!

  6. Thank you for taking me from shock to relief to laughter. Great Slice.
