Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Double Double Golden Shovel


Today’s writing is a double golden shovel poem using two lines from Elizabeth Willis’s “The Witch.” Lines are emboldened vertically. 

Double Double Golden Shovel 

with herbs and frogs she concocts

a potion which may at first 

glance appear soupish ~ then 

she will call to powers that 

will not be weak but will 

make her stew an acting agent,

rancid only in deed ~

the enemies of a witch sip 

fresh hell from silent spoons, 

butter creamy film residue 

of wickedness from whose actions 

her spell placards exacting

righteous evil are cast upon her

neighbor who soon goes missing….


  1. Very nicely done! I love the line "fresh hell from silent spoons".

  2. Very clever. Love the Shakespeare allusion in your title, as well as the picture. Did you take that on your trip to Salem? Fun poem for this spooky season.

  3. Ooooh, Kim. wow. I don't know how you do those double golden shovels so flawlessly. I too love the title, and these lines make me shiver:

    "the enemies of a witch sip

    fresh hell from silent spoons,

    butter creamy film residue

    of wickedness"
